Protesters for Palestine hoped that a Palestinian-American would speak at the Democratic National Convention thinking Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris would be different, but the DNC rejected a request to speak at the podium. Palestinians hoped to enter the conversation at the stadium where people are excited and celebrating again. With no Palestinian speaker at the convention, protesters walked near the stadium and shouted hopes to end the 2024 war and create an independent Palestine. |
In August 2024, thousands of protesters gathered in Chicago near the Democratic National Convention, ready to push their demands to Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris. |
The city commanded police officers to stay calm, but it seems to me like they’ll be back to their usual behavior after the convention is finished. |
Some protesters tore down a security fence as thousands marched outside the Democratic National Convention on 08/19/2024. |
Police form a line to separate pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protestors at Union park on Monday 08/19/2024 in Chicago in DNC. |
Protesters supported the release of hostages taken by Hamas from Israel and wanted to address the DNC. |
The war between Palestine and Israel was front and center from Monday, August 19, 2024 through Thursday, and in the days that followed. Protests were little wins, to be sure, but they were victories, nonetheless. |
During the week of August 19, near the Democratic National Convention, several thousand protesters took to the streets each evening in largely peaceful demonstrations. A handful of protesters holding an overnight sit-in Wednesday night ended without incident. |
"Stop the killing, stop the war!" "Kids are dying, stop the war!" "Stop the killing, stop the war!" |
A protest in Chicago on Monday was expected to be one of the largest of the week, but drew fewer demonstrators than organizers had hoped for a free Palestine. |
Spike Lee is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, actor, and author. |